Availability in the Cloud

Availability in the Cloud

Availability on the Cloud: Putting the IT Management ‘Time = Money’ Equation in a Whole New Light When it comes to IT management, downtime is a killer, and an expensive one. With the rise of the cloud, businesses are realizing significant cost savings through the increased Availability that cloud offers. It’s a severe blow to the […]

Agility in Cloud Computing

Agility in Cloud Computing

Here’s a revelation: Every business is pretty much the same. Every day, day in and day out, the same number of people show up to do just about the same job and tackle the same problems in pretty much the same way, using similar equipment and technologies as just about every other business. It’s all […]

Embracing the Cloud: A Simple Concept that will Completely Change the Way You Help your Customers Manage Data and Prosper Going Forward.

Embracing the Cloud: A Simple Concept that will Completely Change the Way You Help your Customers Manage Data and Prosper Going Forward.

Business today is moving faster and heading in more directions than ever in human history. We’ve never been more connected, more empowered, more informed, or more challenged to take risks. Fueling much of this march forward is our reliance on stored information and statistics — the stuff we call data. The Information Age has rapidly […]